Materials of scientific conferences

Belsky Natalie. “The Story of Evacuees in the USSR During WW II: Impact and Legacy”.

In this edition of Wilson Center NOW we speak with Natalie Belsky, former Title VIII Research Scholar with the Wilson Center’s Kennan Institute. She discusses her project “Encounters in the East: Evacuees in the Soviet Hinterland During the Second World War,” which focuses on the wartime experiences of Soviet evacuees and their interactions with the local communities at sites of resettlement. The project examines how this experience shaped Soviet citizens’ mentalities, notions of entitlement, citizenship and belonging within a diverse, multi-ethnic, and multi-lingual state.

Guest Natalie Belsky was a recent Title VIII Research Scholar with the Wilson Center’s Kennan Institute. She received her doctorate in Russian history from the University of Chicago in 2014. Her current project focuses on internal population displacement in the Soviet Union during the Second World War. Dr. Belsky’s research interests include migration, minority politics in the USSR, Soviet citizenship, and East European Jewish history and she has conducted research in Russia, Kazakhstan, Israel and the United States. Dr. Belsky has taught courses on modern Europe, Russian history, modern Jewish history and world history.

Moderator John Milewski is the executive producer and managing editor of Wilson Center NOW and also serves as director of Wilson Center ON DEMAND digital programming.