About the Project
The goal of the Burned Childhood project is to collect memories of elderly people, former “children of war”, about evacuation to the eastern parts of the Soviet Union, their escape from the advancing Nazi armies and life in the rear during the Second World War.
The purpose of this website is to preserve their memories about those years and to present the war from children’s perspective. The idea is to show not just horrors, but also the good in the human beings that was revealed during those years as exemplified by the Righteous among the Nations.
We try to publish everything that we are able to find. This is the only way to preserve the true picture of Jewish lives in the Soviet Union during the war.
The work is not over yet.
We are looking for new material: memoirs, diaries, letters, and photos.
We hope for your cooperation.
May G-d add length to your days!
Project initiators:
Israeli Association of Immigrant Scientists
Hazit Hakavod Association
With the participation of:
Yad Vashem Holocaust Remembrance Center
Financial Support:
The Claims Conference
The Helping Hand Coalition for Israel
The Genesis Philanthropy Group
Ministry of Social Equality